
Son Sue-kyung – I Am

Even if you are not a classical music fan, who can resist the sounds of an enchanting and talented electronic violinist, with flawless fairy-like features & skills unmatchable. Sue Son is not only a mast...

SPOTIFY For Singapore!

Spotify finally launched in Singapore on 16 April – at noon to be exact, as part of its push to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland and Mexico (if only proper Mexican food in Singapore ca...

Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines

Complete with “hey hey heys” and a cowbell that ensures that even the most resistant listeners will notice the beat, Blurred Lines is music you dance to. The lyrics are the source of most of the trouble. (Ph...

Spoiler Alert: True Blood Season 6!

The countdown to summer is officially on! This spoiler is for all you True Blood fans out there. According to E! Online, by way of Joe Manganiello, there will be no hook up between Alcide and Sookie this seaso...

Introducing MTV Latest VJs: Alan Wong & Hanli Hoefer

MTV Asia announced just yesterday, the return of The MTV Show, a weekly music and lifestyle show that features top-rated music videos, movies, celebrity news and popular culture, and now comes with a refreshe...