HiCan High Fidelity Canopy Bed


More reasons to lie in bed over a lazy weekend: with the HiCan High Fidelity Canopy Bed, you get a plethora of entertainment options right at your bedside: the HiCan comes rigged with a hi-def video projector that works with a retractable screen at the foot of the bed, a state-of-the-art sound system, built-in multimedia PC, gaming console and -for your Sunday morning paper – a snazzy pair of reading lights.

HiCan is also equipped with an integrated home automation system for managing all of its built-in components, so that a switch will allow you to adjust the angle and tilt of your bed, as well as other appliances or devices in your bedroom.

Conveived as a comforting, comfortable retreat, interested homeowners may contact the company to be included on the exclusive reservation list.

(Source: Extravaganzi)



