THANK YOU for your interest in finding out about how you can support WardrobeTrendsFashion.

With our commitment to producing work which is accessible, dynamic, and above all, of the highest artistic and entertainment values, we are constantly reaching out to a diverse and ever-increasing audience. We are extremely proud of our publication, and we realize that it would not be possible without the wonderful generosity and invaluable support of our kind sponsors.

We are able to continue doing the work we do because our business partners believe in us. With your help, WardrobeTrendsFashion will continue to be a leading force as the world’s largest repository of luxury lifestyle campaigns and lookbooks. By aligning yourself with WardrobeTrendsFashion, your organisation will benefit from the opportunity to:

• Associate your brand with No.1 Lifestyle Website in Asia
• Leverage your investment to really achieve your business objectives
• Demonstrate your commitment to corporate responsibility initiatives and giving back to the community
• Partner us in engaging the hearts & minds of the public through the medium of the arts & lifestyle media

WardrobeTrendsFashion needs your help to be able to keep producing our content daily and across the year, and to ensure that we are able maintain the world-class production standards that our audiences have come to expect and love about our shows.

At WardrobeTrendsFashion, we firmly believe in forming long-lasting collaborations with our sponsors.


We want to work together with you on a tailor-made partnership that ensures that all your objectives – whether they are corporate, marketing, PR, brand-awareness, customer loyalty, or returns on investment – are met, and to create a vibrant and mutually beneficial synergy between you and us.


To find out how your organization can benefit from a sponsorship with drop us an email.

wardrobetrendsfashion (at) gmail (dot) com


WTF remembers all the backers, individuals and organizations that have stood behind and backed us through the years. Here below is our ‘Hall of Fame’ list that we will always remember and be grateful for:




Grand Cross


