Davidoff Nicaragua Cigars


Davidoff Cigars unveils its first Nicaraguan cigar line, Davidoff Nicaragua. The 100 percent Puro Nicaraguan blend boasts a 10-year-old Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado wrapper in a beautiful color, with a binder from Jalapa and a filler blend of tobaccos from Esteli, Condega and Ometepe. Thanks to the expertise of Davidoff’s masterblenders, the Nicaragua line has just the right balance of sweet and bitter notes to tantalize the palate.

The cigars start off the first third with white peppery notes complimented by typical Nicaraguan stimulation at the back of the palate. In the second third, the cigar grows milder and offers an enjoyable sweetness with flavors of roasted coffee beans and dark bitter chocolate, before developing a smooth creaminess at the end. During the last third, the cigar builds on the experience and delivers a beautiful balance that Davidoff is well-known for.

Available from mid-September onwards, the Davidoff Nicaragua line will be available in three formats – Toro, Robusto and Short Corona.

Davidoff will also be introducing innovative new accessories: a stylishly crafted limited edition humidor, Davidoff’s first jet flame lighter and a punch cutter.



