Cut Chair By Peter Bristol


Recently we introduced you to Boca Do Lobo’s Three Legged Chair. It seems that nowadays chairs are fond of having fewer legs. This is worrisome, for most chairs have only four legs to begin with. Unlike Boca Do Lobo’s Three Legged Chair, which from the name, quite obviously has three legs, Peter Bristol pushes the boundaries even further with his Cut Chair…which has only one leg.

The other three legs, which its creator calls “stumps”, look like as if they have had chunks cleanly sliced off by a fictitious vandal with a sword. Even the top corner of the chair’s back has been sliced off by this imaginary miscreant. Only a solitary leg remains intact. When we first looked at it, we reckoned that it was a sculptural expression of art and not meant for actual use. It turns out we were wrong. The chair actually works. Yes, you can actually sit on this without worrying that you will look a fool when it falls and your alarmed face gets well acquainted with the floor.

This cunning chair fools you into thinking that it is actually defying the laws of physics.

“It’s pretty simple…The seating surface is cantilevered off the single supporting leg that’s welded to a solid plate. A shaggy rug covers the base plate, and the other legs and cuts work together to complete the illusion.” explains Bristol.






