Anna Kendrick Stars in the Comedy ‘Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates’


Aubrey Plaza and Anna Kendrick star in Mike and David Need Wedding Dates

Out in theaters on September 8th (Singapore), Anna Kendrick stars in the comedy ‘Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates’.

In the movie, Anna plays a party girl alongside Aubrey Plaza. Both con their way into a free trip to Hawaii as the dates of Adam Devine and Zac Efron. Anna tells The Edit about the movie in an interview, “We did so much improv that when we first saw the movie, there was a good 15% of jokes that we were like, ‘I have no memory of saying that!’”

Check out more images of Anna in ‘Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates’ below.


Aubrey Plaza, Anna Kendrick, Adam Devine and Zac Efron huddle up in Mike and David Need Wedding Dates


Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates movie poster


A party scene in Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates featuring Adam Devine, Aubrey Plaza, Anna Kendrick and Zac Efron