Stash Stainless Bass Guitar


We have seen quite a few unique and cool-looking guitars. Some of which are so extraordinary that you may have an overwhelming desire to own them even though you don’t actually know how to play the guitar. However, the list of unique and cool-looking guitars is primarily dominated by various acoustic and lead guitars with little or no room for bass guitars – sort of like the often over-looked bass player in a band. The Stash Stainless Bass Guitar however, is hard to ignore.

Custom-crafted by and hand-assembled by its designer, Stan Potyrala, the bass is made entirely of stainless steel. Since every part if the bass is made from the same metal, it will stay in tune much longer than the other conventional basses. The Stash Stainless Bass Guitar also sports a distinctive tubular neck which allows for a more natural and comfortable way for the player to reach the strings. Complementing these features, are the Stash Stainless Bass Guitar’s sleek and slick looks.

This is probably the only guitar that (literally) cannot be smashed on stage at the end of a concert.







